Published on August 2, 2010 By Big Fat Daddy In Misc

We are treated to images of demonstrations and protests and the news folks pump it up and make it look like a huge "movement" is underway.  With careful camera angles and editing, they lead us to believe there are "tens of thousands" when the real numbers are less than tens of hundreds.  The news does this because they want a certain opinion to prevail and they are in the business of forming that opinion for us.  So the idea is spread that tens of thousands of voters are against a certain candidate or a certain law or whatever it may be.  The truth may be quite the opposite, but you don't see as many protesters on the other side because the newsies don't want you to.  They make it seem that gozillians of voters in Arizona are up in arms over the new law.  The truth is that a huge majority of ARIZONA citizens support the law.  This is a state matter after all.  But when California buses in hundreds of protesters to show their support for the Arizona protesters who don't like the new law, it gets all the coverage...it's news.  Even if they are not legal immigrants, themselves. (Many are not and say so proudly!)  And again, the cameras and editing treat you to a show of mighty proportions...even when it ain't all that big.  
When Nixon was running for president, he used the phrase "silent majority" to describe the millions of people who did not agree with the anti-war sentiment, the "stop-the-draft" screamers, the anti-government crowd.  Instead they stayed home on demonstration day and didn't burn their draft cards or bras or US flags or participate in any of the many sit-ins, love-ins, smoke-ins, and be-ins.  They were people who were solid citizens with a sense of loyalty to the country and its laws.  They just didn't go in for all that public stuff.  Told you all that so I could tell you this:
I think most Americans are good people.  Most don't break the laws...not the big ones, anyway...We joke here about being able to spot the Texas driver because he is the fourth one through the red light.  But as much as it pains me to say this, I lived in Texas in the early seventies and most of the folks there were pretty nice people.  California is NOT all fruits and nuts, and if you have never been there you would be amazed at what a wonderful place it is.  I lived for a while in Missouri...well...let's move on to some other places.  My point is that often a small representation of people will create a lasting impression that will define a group for a long time.  But the ones we notice are always the loud ones.  In any group.  As much as we talk about the French...Americans tourists are seen as insensitive, boorish, drunk, loud, and rude.  Not all American tourists are even a little like that, but who gets noticed?  Right...Bubba.
I think that the current ruling party in America has bought the stereotype.  They are counting on the electorate to be ignorant, short-memoried, selfish, and easily distracted.  And I blame their good pals in the media for that.  Come on, think about it.  In every flood/tornado/fire/name-it, who gets interviewed on camera?  You can't tell me that nowhere in all of those disasters can you find one articulate person with all their teeth.  They are playing with razorblades.  In convincing the populace that everything is wrong in America, they have also created the impression in the Dems that we are all too dumb to make rational decisions about anything, let alone how to vote.  
We have to win this election and put in place people who will do what is needed to turn this slide into socialism around.  I cannot afford higher taxes on anything.  Many of us are currently like Thoreau's "...men living lives of quiet desperation..."  We do not want to see what is happening to our country go on.  We cannot sustain the massive weight of  all the welfare and wasted spending.  Where are the men of character and courage?  Where are the politicians who are patriots, who will sit in office to serve the people and the nation and especially "defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic."?  
Okay, a bit of an uncharacteristic rant from BFD.  But I felt a need to get it off my chest.  Is there a point to it?  Maybe...quit squeakin' and start carrying your share of the load...remember that if something is illegal, it is ILLEGAL.  
I am including here one of my favorite songs.  I encourage you to read the whole song...I know you learned it it grade school, most of you, but ususally only the first verse.  Read it all.  Thanks.
O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!
America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea! O beautiful for pilgrim feetWhose stern impassion'd stressA thoroughfare for freedom beatAcross the wilderness.
America! America!God mend thine ev'ry flaw,Confirm thy soul in self-control,Thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes prov'dIn liberating strife,Who more than self their country loved,And mercy more than life.
America! America!May God thy gold refineTill all success be nobleness,And ev'ry gain divine.
O beautiful for patriot dreamThat sees beyond the yearsThine alabaster cities gleamUndimmed by human tears.
America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea.  --Katherine Lee Bates

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 07, 2010

For MF, did you read his one post on my article about Japan?  I totally agree with him.  Though, I feel his perspectative does have elements of elitism. I feel those elements sometime clouds his eyes. He does have a brain and is educated.

on Aug 08, 2010

MF?  Who you callin' MF?

on Aug 09, 2010

For MF, did you read his one post on my article about Japan? I totally agree with him.

(MF = Mumblefratz) - Yes I did.  Maybe there is hope for him yet, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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