Published on May 27, 2007 By Big Fat Daddy In Misc
I saw a story on the news this weekend that said that organizers all across the country are having a difficult time getting traditional Memorial Day Parades going because the WWII vets are dying off and the Korean and Vietnam vets...well they implied they were a little bitter about the way they were treated and parading now seems hypocritical somehow. The organizers are turning to Gulf 1 and 2 vets but find they are too busy being...well...busy. VFW and American Legion posts are not doing well, either.

From conversations I hear around, it seems that a lot of younger folks don't really know what this week end is all about. They are confusing Veterans Day with Memorial Day. I know...recent presidential guidance was to include all vets in this weeks celebrations, but I still feel it is important to recognize the purpose of this holiday. I can sum it up pretty easily. You've seen the T-shirt with the Vietnam War Memorial statues and the phrase..."All gave some...Some gave all". Well, Veteran's Day is for the first group who gave some...Memorial Day is for the second group who gave all.

I don't want to rain on any parades...or picnics...or bar-b-q's...I am all for having fun, too. I plan on sacrificing a pig on the burning altar myself. Just urging you to keep a thought somewhere over this long weekend for the second group...the ones who won't be showing up at the bar-b-q. And if you pray, or contemplate your navel, or wish upon a star...please say thanks to whatever greater power you recognize for those who were willing to go and do...to keep it possible for us to camp and boat and party and all the other things we can do freely.

And one last thought. There are more people who gave their life for their country than those who died. Those fresh faced privates went off on the adventure of their young lives and came back without the freshness. Some. like my bhuddist non violent name caller friend came back wrecked...they gave up what ever life there might have been for them before they got ruined and had to live different one. Another group just stayed behind and kept the uniform on...living in crummy quarters...making lousy pay...moving every couple years...putting up with a lifestyle that no sane person would endure...giving up whatever civilian life they might have had...being the sharp end of foreign policy for the suits in DC...living a life of "practice sacrifice" until a real one comes along.

So to all the loved ones of those who fell...my heartfelt thanks for what you have given...and to all who serve...as well...may you stay in the first group.

on May 27, 2007
Thank you for making the distinction.

Tomorrow my boys and I (and baby girl) are heading out to the post cemetery early in the morning with the Cub Scouts for a Memorial Day ceremony.

I am not looking forward to getting up at 5:30 am, but I know this is a very important reminder for myself and my children.

My husband said they've already had their Memorial Day ceremony at his FOB in Iraq.
on May 27, 2007
So to all the loved ones of those who fell...my heartfelt thanks for what you have given...

Yes, thanks. And especially my thanks at this time to the Loved Ones of one so close to home that died in some place with the god forsaken name of Hamiyah, Iraq just over a week ago.
on May 27, 2007

I wrote a similar article (or at least one with similar sentiments) in the past.  I didn't want to go there this time because it just saddens me that too many people don't really know why we have this holiday and don't seem to appreciate the work that our vets have done for us.

Thanks for putting up your thoughts on the topic though.  It's good to see that someone is taking up the cause and helping to remind people why Memorial day is such an important day for us all.

on May 28, 2007
Thanks for putting up your thoughts on the topic though

I have you to thank for the inspiration. Commenting on your clever (and appreciated) salute just didn't seem to be enough and the news stories were sitting on my brain. I didn't want to sound "preachy"...
on May 28, 2007

. I didn't want to sound "preachy"...

You did not.  But I think your addition was well merited and appropriate.  We remember the names on the walls and plaques, but often forget the others.

on May 28, 2007
good post dad.
on May 28, 2007
Thanks Daddy, for everything.
on May 28, 2007

There certainly is more than one way to sacrifice your life for your country.  Many think that their loved one will either come back in a box or come back fine.  That is rarely the case.  They often come back permanently broken in mind and/or body. 

To all who have given their lives in one way or another for the freedom I and my family enjoy, I am grateful and I pray for your well being whether it be here in life or whatever happens after.

My grandpa was a WWII vet and he was like a second father to me.  I had the honor of getting to know many vets through him.  He thought it would be a good thing for my sister and I to know how to properly peel spuds and who better to teach us than the guys at the VFW hall.

I'll never forget that even as young as I was, how hot it was in that little hall and how badly my eyes burned from all the smoke, how fun those guys were and how full of life they were.  Many had limbs missing, some had lost hearing or eyesight, but all had a smile and a joke for the little blonde girls peeling spuds and serving cokes.

I admire and appreciate people with the bravery to stand up for what they know is right.  They fight so that those they love won't have to and I love them for that.  Eternal thanks to you out there who have fought and those who continue to fight.  I shutter to think what kind of world we would live in without you.

on May 28, 2007
Check it out, Daddy, your article is on the Featured List! Cool!
on May 29, 2007
Great article. My sentiments exactly. I saw a lot of this on the news thru out the weekend how people have forgotten what Memorial Day is really about and instead they use it as a longer weekend for vacations, to celebrate the start of summer, an excuse to throw a BBQ party and worst of all, the stores sales bonanza.

I stayed home all weekend, due to the fact that I was broke but none the less I would have just done a BBQ at home while watching shows about those who gave their lives for our freedom and those who survived but still gave their lives in different ways so that I could enjoy the things I do every day, such as reading this article and writing this post about it.

Thanks to all Past, Present and Future soldiers of my country.