Just a note to the world to let you know that the Hypoborean Wanderer (whatever that is) is finishing up his mid term home leave and tomorrow is heading back to Iraq. We have shared a thought or two about where he is going and why. It is hard on his family (as it is on them all) to have him home for such a short visit then watch him go again. I will miss him some more and worry about him some more and wish I could be there...I KNOW I could do a better job of protecting him than his supervisors are...but in reality, a fat old man isn't much protection. I can't do it anymore. So I will miss him some more.
To all who wander in our defense...and to all their families who wait while they wander...Thank you. Do not be discouraged or distracted by those whose agenda is more focused on political matters than what is really going on here. Wanderers and their families are serving a noble cause. Theirs is a noble profession...calling...and THEY do not have the luxury of sitting around in comfy environs and philosophically expound on the merits or demerits of their endeavor...they are there doing what they are requried to do. Few, if any of them set policy...determine strategy...allocate resources...they are down at the poopy end of the stick trying to keep their soldiers and themselves alive while they fulfill the mission. God Bless them with success in both endeavors.