In the movie "Pulp Fiction" (which I have never watched all the way through...too much for me) Sam Jackson tells Vinnie Barbarino that sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie but he would never know...he would never eat the nasty *&%%$. In the last couple of weeks, MamaCharlie and I have had the occasion to use the expression "...but I'll never know" to describe the way we feel about some things we would never do.
"Alligator tastes just like chicken..."
"Hugging a polar bear looks cute in the commercial..."
"Pulp Fiction might be a great movie..."
"Korea might be a really neat place..."
"...but I'll never know."
You get the idea. So. The thought arises...what will you never know? What are some of the things, humorous or otherwise, that you won't do...what line in the sand will you not cross? I'll add some more of ours in comments if anyone feels like responding